Photo by Lisa Romerein.

Frequently Asked Questions

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    • I hear it takes a long time to get a reservation. How far ahead do I need to book?

      We encourage  visitors and Members make a reservation three to  four weeks in advance for the best availability  although spaces are often available within a shorter window. If your preferred date is unavailable, please check back as we occasionally release tickets due to cancellations.

      After a Docent-led tour, can I walk around on my own?

      Docent-led tours are two hours long, filling your entire visit.

      Visitors may not walk around on their own after a docent tour as we hold to firm exit times for all reservations.

      What is the address to Lotusland?

      After booking your reservation, directions to the visitor entrance will be e-mailed along with your tour confirmation.

      Lotusland’s mailing address is for the administrative offices at 695 Ashley Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93108.

      The Visitor Entrance is on an entirely different street, Cold Springs Road, near the intersection of Sycamore Canyon Road. This entrance has no street address.

      Can I bring my dog?

      For the health and safety of our guests and garden, Lotusland has a No-Pets policy. 

      Although we love animals, we ask that you please leave your pet at home during your visit to Lotusland. This No-Pets policy applies to Emotional Support Animals, Comfort Animals and Therapy Animals.

      Lotusland complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) allowing access for all individuals to public places; therefore we do allow working service dogs to accompany guests. Service animals are individually trained to perform work or tasks for people with disabilities. Service animals are required to be leashed or harnessed except when performing work or tasks where such tethering would interfere with the dog’s ability to perform the work or tasks.

      Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the ADA. Under ADA regulations that became effective on March 15, 2011, there are no protections for emotional support animals in terms of access to public accommodations and public entities. The Department of Justice has stated that emotional support animals are not protected as service animals under these regulations.

      Should you arrive to the garden with a pet that is not a service animal, you will be asked to take your dog home as it is unhealthy to leave them in your vehicle. To avoid any disruption or inconvenience, we ask that you please leave your pet at home.

      Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have any questions, please call 805.969.9990.

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Photo by Lisa Romerein.

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Photo by Lisa Romerein.

Madame Ganna Walska

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Photo by Lisa Romerein.

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