Hen and Chicks

Plant Highlights

Plant Highlights

  • Agave gypsophila

    gypsum century plant

    Highlight Month:



    Growth Habit:

    Medium sized rosette of narrow, recurved leaves, two to three feet across. The wavy margins are dotted with soft spines. Overall appearance is chalky gray.

    Growing Requirements:

    Agaves generally require well-drained soil and full sun. Although this species is native to regions with calcareous soils, it grows well in most soil types.


    Like all agaves, this species flowers at the end of an individual plant’s life cycle. The very tall inflorescences bear bright orange clusters of flowers that produce copious nectar. Although the mother plant dies after flowering, many “pups” or offsets are produced at the base.

    Where at Lotusland:

    Just off the Main Drive on the path leading down to the Water Garden.

  • Nymphaea ‘Madame Ganna Walska’

    Highlight Month:


    Garden Origin

    Growth Habit:

    This is a tropical, day-blooming waterlily. Tropical waterlily species and selections only thrive in the tropics or ponds that are warm year round. Only reluctantly can they be coaxed into going dormant and in cool weather climates they typically are grown as annuals.

    Growing Requirements:

    All waterlilies are rooted in soil and in cultivation in ponds are grown in large planting containers filled with soil containing no organic material. Most are heavy feeders and require plenty of balanced fertilizer to grow lushly and bloom well. Tropical waterlilies may be over-wintered in heated tanks, if available.


    This pink-flowered selection was bred by hybridizer Jack Wood in and named for Madame Walska (pink was her favorite color). It also has striking maroon variegation on the leaves.

    Where at Lotusland:

    In the Water Garden.

  • Campanula poscharskyana

    Serbian bellflower

    Highlight Month:


    Croatia to Montenegro

    Growth Habit:

    This ground-hugging perennial grows by stems that creep along the soil, rooting as they travel. Eventually, it can cover a large surface area. It will also climb up rocks and taller plants that have a rough surface for it to hold on to.

    Growing Requirements:

    Serbian Bellflower thrives in shaded or semi-shaded woodlands and is hardy to about 40° F. It requires consistent water, especially in warmer months.


    The dainty, star-shaped blue flowers brighten shady gardens.

    Where at Lotusland:

    Fern Garden

  • Clerodendrum bungei

    cashmere bouquet

    Highlight Month:


    China to Vietnam and Taiwan

    Growth Habit:

    A shrub up to 6 feet tall. It spreads quickly by underground runners, and can cover a wide area if new sprouts are not pulled up. It is deciduous, and the stems can be cut to the ground after the leaves drop.

    Growing Requirements:

    Full to partial shade


    Clusters of very fragrant rosy red/purple flowers from mid summer to fall. The leaves are dark green, sometimes veined in purple.

    Where at Lotusland:

    There is a large planting of C. bungei in the Fern Garden, behind the wall alongside the pool.

  • Chusquea coronalis

    fountain bamboo

    Highlight Month:


    Mexico (Chiapas) to Central America

    Growth Habit:

    The stems of this bamboo grow in a tight clump. They shoot straight up for 15 feet or so and as the leaves open, the whole culm will arch down toward the ground. Where it touches the ground, an individual stem can form roots and thus a new plant. Leaves occur in whorls along the stems.

    Growing Requirements:

    This species will grow in sun or partial shade with moderate water. It is hardy only to about 28 degrees and does not do well with extreme heat.


    The fluffy appearance of the leaves and graceful arching culms make this plant highly ornamental

    Where at Lotusland:

    Japanese Garden

  • Aristolochia gigantea x littoralis

    hybrid dutchman’s pipe

    Highlight Month:


    Garden Origin

    Growth Habit:

    A rapidly-growing woody vine with heart-shaped leaves.

    Growing Requirements:

    Grows best in full sun to partial shade, with regular watering. This rapidly growing vine can reach lengths of 15-20 feet with a structure to climb on.


    Dramatic burgundy flowers with yellow centers bloom summer through fall and resemble an inflated balloon before opening. Flies are attracted to the scent of the flower, become temporarily trapped inside by downward pointing hairs, and are later released once they are covered in pollen.

    Where at Lotusland:

    Pavilion Patio

  • Dalechampia dioscoreifolia

    purple wings, Costa Rican butterfly vine, bow tie vine

    Highlight Month:


    SE. Nicaragua to S. Tropical America

    Growth Habit:

    This is a twining evergreen vine growing up to 25 feet long.

    Growing Requirements:

    Grows best in full sun to light shade with moderate water.


    The leaves are heart-shaped, dark green on top, and fuzzy on the underside. D. dioscoreifolia is in the euphorbia family, and like its relative the poinsettia it has very small flowers but large, colorful bracts. The bracts are bright purple and are arranged like wings in pairs of two with the tiny yellow flowers blooming between them. After the flowers, a red fruit forms. Bloom time is nearly all year, with heaviest flowering in the summer months. It flowers best in a warm sheltered location, and is hardy down to 20- 25 degrees.

    Where at Lotusland:

    There is one specimen at Lotusland, planted in a large pot in the Pavilion Patio.

  • Vriesea fosteriana

    Highlight Month:


    Southern Brazil

    Growth Habit:

    A perennial forming a loose rosette. The leaves can reach up to 3 feet long and the flower spike grows over 5 feet tall. The flowers bloom at night and are pollinated by bats in habitat.

    Growing Requirements:

    For best color V. fosteriana should be grown with filtered light but not in direct sun. The plant grows best in a well-drained soil as it is shallow-rooted and may rot in wet soils. It also obtains moisture collected in the “cup” in the center of the leaves.


    This bromeliad is grown for its impressive foliage which has striking wavy patterns on a dark green background. The pale yellow bell-shaped flowers are arranged in rows on a spike that emerges from the center of the plant. There are several varieties and cultivars including ‘Red Chestnut’ which has the same striking markings but with dark red coloring.

    Where at Lotusland:

    There are several V. fosteriana and clumps of ‘Red Chestnut’ in the Upper and Lower Bromeliad Gardens.

  • Encephalartos ferox

    Tongaland cycad

    Highlight Month:


    South Africa, Mozambique

    Growth Habit:

    This cycad is typical of many African species of Encephalartos. It has a rosette of very tough and spine-tipped leaves that arise from a large stem. The stems may be one and a half feet in diameter. This species grows in coastal areas in grass and other scrub vegetation from KwaZulu Natal north to Mozambique. It often occurs within 50 yards of the beach.

    Growing Requirements:

    E. ferox does best with full sun and regular water. It must have excellent drainage to prevent fungal problems in our cold, wet winters. Cycads are slow-growing.


    The brightly colored red cones of E. ferox as well as the glossy green foliage make this a very handsome garden specimen.

    Where at Lotusland:

    Cycad Garden

  • Metasequoia glyptostroboides

    dawn redwood

    Highlight Month:


    Sichuan, China

    Growth Habit:

    Dawn redwood has a conical shape that resembles the coast redwood, Sequoia sempervirens, to which it is related. The cones are distinctive and the dawn redwood is deciduous in winter rather than evergreen. It is the only species in its genus, but was originally described in 1941 from fossilized remnants with living material only noted in 1948. While initially fast growing, it only attains its ultimate height of 200 feet after many years.

    Growing Requirements:

    Metasequoia is quite frost tolerant; down to minus 10° F. It requires regular water, but grows in most soils.


    In spring, the bright green foliage emerges and in fall, the entire tree becomes clothed in shades of rust before the leaves are shed.

    Where at Lotusland:

    Insectary Garden

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