
Palm trees are iconic features of the Central and Southern California coast

Photo by Lisa Romerein.

Swaying throughout Lotusland is an immense collection of over 500 mature palms. An iconic feature in Central and Southern California, yet only one species, the California fan palm (Washingtonia filifera), is native to the state. Near the Water Garden, the Palmetum has over 60 different types of palms, many of which are not found elsewhere on the property. One of Lotusland’s newest gardens, the Palmetum was designed by Eric Nagelmann and completed in 2017.




Photo by Lisa Romerein.

Palm Leaves

Palmate leaves grow in a fan shape out of a central point at the end of a petiole, formed like a hand. Pinnate leaves are feather shaped, with leaflets all along a central axis called a rachis.

Tile Bench

This charming tile bench designed by George Washington Smith has been part of Lotusland since the 1920s. After exploring the Palmetum, take a break and enjoy a beautiful view of the palms and Lotus Pond.

Photo by Lisa Romerein.

Cabbage Palm

Sabal palmetto

The state tree of South Carolina and Florida, the cabbage palm will grow up to 90 feet tall in ideal conditions. Its fruits are enjoyed by visiting squirrels, raccoons, and other wildlife.

Cliff Date Palm

Phoenix rupicola

The cliff date palm is enjoyed for its small and tidy appearance. While many palms have textured growth on their trunks, the cliff date palm’s trunk is smoother, only scarring where leaves once grew.

Photo by Lisa Romerein.
Photo by Lisa Romerein.
Photo by Lisa Romerein.

Notable Species

Brahea spp. (Mexican fan palms), Dypsis spp. (Madagascar), Bismarckia nobilis (Bismarck palm – Madagascar), Coccothrinax crinita (old man palm – Cuba)


The palm family (Arecaceae) is very diverse and of huge economic importance, being used for food, oil, fiber, building materials, and as ornamental landscape plants.

Photo by Lisa Romerein.





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Photo by Lisa Romerein.

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